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Re: User Auth. -Reply

> Can I send a failed authentication responce to the browser  after the browser  has been using
> the authenticated session for a while and now wishes to logout.
> Baber
> :)

My guess is `yes, you can'.  Make a CGI script within the protected
domain which returns a code to the browser indicating that the protection
failed.  I think the minimal case of such a document would look something
like this:

| HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
| Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 00:15:14 GMT
| Content-type: text/html
| WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="ByPassword"
| <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Authorization Required</TITLE></HEAD>
| <BODY><H1>Authorization Required</H1>
| Browser not authentication-capable or
| authentication failed.
| </BODY></HTML>

I don't know what the browser will do when it gets that response, though.
I usually try things before advising other people, but I haven't tried
this.  There's probably a way you can do this and not have it look awful,

Seth I. Rich - seth@hygnet.com - (610) 859-0100
Systems Administrator / Webmaster, HYGNet       My words are my own; please
Rabbits on walls, no problem.                   don't blame my employer!
